En una hora, la Tierra recibe suficiente energía del sol para satisfacer todas las necesidades energéticas de la humanidad durante un año. Sin embargo, el mundo utiliza poco más de uno por ciento de la energía del sol para nuestras necesidades de electricidad. Un obstáculo importante para poder aprovechar todo el potencial de la energía solar es que es intermitente, no podemos obtener un suministro constante de energía solar porque el sol no siempre brilla.

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Geomorphologists who study Earth’s surface features and the processes that formed them have long been interested in how floods, in particular catastrophic outbursts that occur when a glacial lake ice dam bursts, for example, can change a planet’s surface, not only on Earth but on Mars. Now geoscience researchers Isaac Larsen at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Michael Lamb at the California Institute of Technology have proposed and tested a new model of canyon-forming floods which suggests that deep canyons can be formed in bedrock by significantly less water than previously thought.

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A new study chronicles how central Asia dried out over the last 23 million years into one of the most arid regions on the planet. The findings illustrate the dramatic climatic shifts wrought by the ponderous rise of new mountain ranges over geologic time.

Researchers have long cited the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayan Mountains around 50 million years ago for blocking rain clouds’ entry into central Asia from the south, killing off much of the region’s plant life.

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In pictures, the Arctic appears pristine and timeless with its barren lands and icy landscape. In reality, the area is rapidly changing.  Scientists are working to understand the chemistry behind these changes to better predict what could happen to the region in the future. One team reports in ACS’ Journal of Physical Chemistry A that sea salt could play a larger role in the formation of local atmospheric pollutants than previously thought.

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En un estudio dirigido por el Dr. Jenny Zhang, investigador asociado en St John’s, en Cambridge, los académicos han encontrado una vía inesperada de actuación destructiva dentro del Fotosistema II, una enzima en el corazón de la fotosíntesis generadora de oxígeno que también inspira nuevos enfoques en la producción de combustibles renovables.

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