Published in Science Advances, the study explores the intricate interplay between climate change, land use change, and their impact on pollinator biodiversity, ultimately revealing significant implications for global crop pollination.
Over 40 Percent of Antarctica’s Ice Shelves are Smaller
They found that almost all the ice shelves on the western side of Antarctica experienced ice loss.
Honey Bees May Inherit Altruistic Behavior From Their Mothers
True altruism is rare behavior in animals, but a new study by Penn State researchers has found that honey bees display this trait.
Wildcats Restored to Scottish Highlands
Conservationists have released 19 young wildcats into the Scottish Highlands as part of an effort to bring the cherished animal back from the edge of extinction.
New Research Finds That Warm Summers and Wet Winters Yield Better Wine Vintages
Andrew Wood, a DPhil student in the University of Oxford’s Department of Biology and first author of the study, said: ‘Weather drives wine quality and wine taste.
Flooding That Closed Dalton Highway Also Caused Widespread Ground Sinking
The massive 2015 flooding of the Sagavanirktok River in northern Alaska had immediate impacts, including closure of the Dalton Highway for several days, but it also contributed to longer-term ground subsidence in the permafrost-rich region.