It has been well documented that one negative of air travel – besides the food – is the emission of CO2 from jet engines. But what about contrails? Dr. Emma Irvine, Professor Keith Shine, and Professor Sir Brian Hoskins, at the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading have linked contrails to global climate change in a study published in IOP Publishing’s journal Environmental Research Letters. According to their report, contrails may have a greater radiative forcing (the capacity for an agent to enact climate change via warming) than CO2.
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A core facet of Chancellor Merkel's historic "Energiewende" clean energy transition, Germany has led the world in driving adoption of solar energy technology and systems. Although it is now pulling back hard on incentives, the market momentum created by its precedent-setting solar energy feed-in tariff (FiT) persists.
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Un nuevo informe independiente identifica los desafíos que enfrentan las empresas y los políticos de los Estados Unidos y describe las estrategias para evitar los trastornos económicos significativos, desigualmente repartidos. La economía estadounidense enfrenta grandes riesgos con el cambio climático, incluidas las dañinas tormentas costeras, incrementando la mortalidad relacionada con el calor y la disminución de la productividad en el trabajo, de acuerdo con un informe independiente publicado hoy por líderes de empresa, de la educación y políticos.
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The popular conception of the Neanderthal as a club-wielding carnivore is, well, rather primitive, according to a new study conducted at MIT. Instead, our prehistoric cousin may have had a more varied diet that, while heavy on meat, also included plant tissues, such as tubers and nuts.
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Mientras que uno puede pensar que los ecosistemas forestales y lacustres son dos redes separadas, una nueva investigación muestra cómo los desechos forestales son un importante contribuyente al agua dulce cadenas alimenticias. ¿Cómo? Escombros en forma de carbono orgánico de los árboles llega a lagos de agua dulce, lo que consecuentemente complementa la dieta de zooplancton microscópico y los peces que se alimentan de ellos. Investigadores de la Universidad de Cambridge realizaron un estudio en Margarita Lake en Ontario, Canadá observando peces perca amarilla de diferentes partes del lago rodeados por mayor o menor cubierta forestal.
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From all the news about how anthropogenic emissions of CO2 are increasing tremendously (remember the hockey stick graph?) you would think that these emissions are causing all the atmospheric increases of CO2. And, our use of fossil fuels is increasing exponentially, with more than half of all fossil fuels ever used by humans being consumed in the last 20 years. However, in comparison with the amount of carbon that enters the atmosphere from natural sources, our fossil fuel emissions are modest. "Carbon dioxide generated by human activities amounts to only a few percent of the total yearly atmospheric uptake or loss of carbon dioxide from plant life and geochemical processes on land and in the ocean," said Gregg Marland, a professor in the Geology Department of Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina. "This may not seem like much, but humans have essentially tipped the balance."
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