New research published this week in the journal Science Express describes how the ice shelves around Antarctica are thinning and therefore allowing more of the ice sheet behind them to flow into the sea. 

Using nearly two decades of satellite data, the team of international researchers observed an acceleration of ice loss from the continent’s ice shelves, with an increase in loss of 70% in West Antarctica over the last decade. In the Amundsen and Bellingshausen regions, some ice shelves have lost up to 18% of their thickness in less than two decades. 

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Hablando en general la gente está cada vez mejor en la gestión de sus propias huellas ambientales y en cuanto al efecto que tienen sobre el planeta. Pero mientras el mundo se hace cada vez más consciente del medio ambiente y la sostenibilidad se convierte más en un hábito de la vida cotidiana, es el momento de que las empresas y los consumidores individuales suban a escena también.

Las corporaciones más grandes del mundo pueden tener más dinero y recursos para invertir en sostenibilidad y minimizar el impacto de sus empresas, pero los dueños de negocios pequeños no deben ser desalentados. Todavía hay una serie de cambios que, aún la más pequeña de las empresas, se pueden implementar en un esfuerzo para apoyar la sostenibilidad, incluso si su negocio no es "verde" por la naturaleza.

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Environmentalism is fast becoming a top concern in France – a rooftop concern, to be precise. Excitingly, the nation has just passed new legislation that will require all upcoming commercial construction projects to feature either green roofs or solar panels above their top floors.

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The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet are well-known. As well as being healthier, a recent article concludes that the menu traditionally eaten in Spain leaves less of a carbon footprint than that of the US or the United Kingdom. The consequences of climate change range from species extinction to sea-level increases and the spread of diseases. For this reason, researchers have been struggling for years to alleviate its effects, even limiting the pollution caused by food consumption.

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NASA has decided to pluck a small boulder off an asteroid and bring it back to the vicinity of Earth, rather than bag up an entire asteroid, agency officials in charge of the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) announced today.

The $1.25 billion mission, which is planned to launch in December 2020, would send a robotic spacecraft for a rendezvous with an asteroid in 2022. After touching down on the asteroid’s surface, the spacecraft would snatch a boulder several meters across. The spacecraft would then orbit the asteroid for up to 400 days, testing out an idea for defending Earth from a catastrophic asteroid impact: using the spacecraft’s own gravitational field to subtly alter the asteroid’s orbit. Next, the spacecraft would bring the snatched rock back to Earth’s vicinity in 2025. Finally, as part of preparations for a possible mission to Mars, astronauts would visit and examine the rock for some 25 days, using the planned Orion spacecraft to make the trip.

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Los peces marinos de aguas profundas que viven en los taludes continentales a profundidades de 2.000 ft a una milla (De 610 a 1609 m) tienen patologías hepáticas, tumores y otros problemas de salud que pueden estar vinculados a la contaminación causada por los seres humanos, de acuerdo con uno de los primeros estudios de este tipo. 

La investigación, llevada a cabo en el Golfo de Vizcaya al oeste de Francia, también descubrió el primer caso de una especie de peces de aguas profundas con una condición "intersex", una mezcla de órganos sexuales...

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