The National Academy of Sciences has some conclusions to share about genetically-engineered foods — 420 pages worth. And no matter which side of the fence you stand on when it comes to this divisive topic, you probably aren’t going to like what the nonprofit has to say.

The report, Genetically Engineered Organisms: Experiences and Prospects, was released last week online amid a flurry of news articles that attempted to breathlessly summarize the findings in a few short sentences. Some expressed disappointment in the authors’ inconclusive findings; many others attempted to pin a final yea-or-nay viewpoint on the Academy’s nine-chapter investigation.

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The influence of fossil fuel corporations was strongly questioned by developing countries in the post-Paris meeting of the climate change negotiations in Bonn last week. Climate Trackers Pavlos Georgiadis, Renee Karunungan and Anna Pérez Català highlight the key issues that were debated. 

A number of developing countries, led by Ecuador, Guatemala and Bolivia are now calling for concrete measures to define how the public policy making process interacts with the private sector in climate change negotiations. What they want is special attention to be given to concerns over potential conflicts of interest between the industry and the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

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In the United States, the use of natural gas for electricity generation continues to grow. The driving forces behind this development? A boom in domestic natural gas production, historically low prices, and increased scrutiny over fossil fuels' carbon emissions. 

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El impacto que los seres humanos han hecho sobre la Tierra, en términos de cómo se producen y consumen recursos, ha formado un "nuevo modelo” en el flujo de energía global del planeta, según investigadores de la Universidad de Leicester.

La investigación sugiere que la Tierra se caracteriza ahora por un modelo geológico sin precedentes de flujo de energía global que está importantemente influenciado por los seres humanos y que es necesario para el mantenimiento de la complejidad de las sociedades humanas modernas.

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En los Estados Unidos, el uso de gas natural para la generación de electricidad sigue creciendo. ¿Los impulsores de este desarrollo?, el auge en la producción nacional de gas natural, los precios históricamente bajos y un mayor control sobre las emisiones de carbono de los combustibles fósiles. Aunque el carbón todavía representa alrededor de un tercio de la producción eléctrica de Estados Unidos, las empresas de servicios públicos están cambiando al uso de gas natural limpio para reemplazar las centrales de carbón fuera de servicio.

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