Remote lakes in a perpetually ice-free area of Antarctica show not only the chemical signature of ancient wildfires, but also some much more recent evidence of fossil-fuel combustion, according to National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research published this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

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Air pollution is a known risk factor for certain mental health problems in adults, but a new study also links high rates of air pollution to poorer psychiatric health in children and adolescents.

To investigate this link, researchers from Umeå University in Sweden examined what is known as “register-based” data. All medications given to Swedish people are registered, and in this case, researchers zeroed in on individuals under age 18 from Stockholm, Västra Götaland, Skåne and Västerbotten. They then looked at this information in connection with the Swedish National Register, which logs air pollution.

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Un equipo internacional de científicos ha encontrado una forma potencialmente viable para eliminar el CO2 antropogénico (causado o influenciado por los seres humanos): Convertirlo en roca. El estudio, publicado en la revista Science, ha demostrado por primera vez que el dióxido de carbono, un gas de efecto invernadero (CO2), puede ser permanente y rápidamente eliminado de la atmósfera, mediante su inyección en roca volcánica. El CO2 reacciona con la roca circundante, formando minerales ambientalmente benignos.

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President Barack Obama and Indian President Narendra Modi signed a pact last week, extending a commitment originally established in 2014, to join forces to combat climate change with a huge commitment to renewable energy.

The pledge acknowledges commitments made in Paris last year at the COP21 climate talks and defines a path for both countries to achieve their nationally determined contributions (NDCs). In particular, the U.S. has pledged to support India, the world’s third largest carbon emitting country and second fastest growing economy, in its ambitious goal of deploying 175 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2022. That would bring it up to a level of renewable capacity comparable to the U.S. today.

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Décadas de depositar residuos industriales no regulados en las zonas de los Grandes Lagos han creado una serie de problemas ambientales y de vida silvestre. Ahora parece que las tortugas pintadas del lago Michigan podrían ser una fuente útil para medir la contaminación resultante.

Los investigadores del laboratorio de Gary Lamberti, profesor de ciencias biológicas y director del Laboratorio de Ecología de Corrientes y del Humedales en la Universidad de Notre Dame, están trabajando en el proyecto federal “Iniciativa de Restauración de los Grandes Lagos” 

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Researchers are investigating a new material that might help in nuclear fuel recycling and waste reduction by capturing certain gases released during reprocessing. Conventional technologies to remove these radioactive gases operate at extremely low, energy-intensive temperatures. By working at ambient temperature, the new material has the potential to save energy, make reprocessing cleaner and less expensive. The reclaimed materials can also be reused commercially.

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