Treatment plants use a combination of tools to keep toxins and contaminants out of drinking water.
Spread of Dark Algae Could Hasten Melt of Greenland Ice Sheet
Dark algae are spreading across the Greenland ice sheet as snow retreats.
Selective Combustion Provides Energy-Efficient Alternative to Remove Pollutants From Industrial Processes
Understanding this process could help improve production of plastics, medications, and fuels.
Scientists Use Distant Sensor to Monitor American Samoa Earthquake Swarm
In late July to October 2022, residents of the Manu’a Islands in American Samoa felt the earth shake several times a day, raising concerns of an imminent volcanic eruption or tsunami.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Leaves
It’s really hard to believe, but I will already be departing Panama tomorrow.
Reintroducing Wolves to Scottish Highlands Could Help Address Climate Emergency
Reintroducing wolves to the Scottish Highlands could lead to an expansion of native woodland which could take in and store one million tonnes of CO2 annually, according to a new study.