Plastic pollution has been identified as an environmental problem similar in scope and complexity as global challenges like climate change.
A Low-Carbon Energy Transition May Result in Substantial Emissions
The average emissions associated with a low-carbon energy transition amount to 195 gigatonnes of CO2, which equals approximately 0.1 °C of additional global warming.
Drones Survey Wildlife Populations in Remote Sub-Antarctic Island
Next generation fixed-wing drones, capable of operating autonomously beyond the standard visual line of sight, are creating datasets of major wildlife populations around South Georgia for long-term monitoring to aid conservation efforts.
Salt More Important Than Cold Temperatures in Sea Ice Formation
When polar seas freeze and ice forms, it is not only due to cold air chilling the surface of the water.
Tiniest Ever Ancient Seawater Pockets Revealed
Trapped for millennia, the tiniest liquid remnants of an ancient inland sea have now been revealed.
Earth Can Regulate Its Own Temperature Over Millennia, New Study Finds
Scientists have confirmed that a “stabilizing feedback” on 100,000-year timescales keeps global temperatures in check.