Rising air temperatures due to global warming melt glaciers and polar ice caps.
Waterloo Professor Leads Un Report on Peatland Preservation for North America
A new report coauthored by University of Waterloo professor Maria Strack has provided the most comprehensive assessment of the world's peatlands to date and identified actions governments should take to improve their protection, restoration and sustainable management.
Travelling With the Jetstream
Dust particles from central South America were the most important source of iron in the South Pacific during the last two ice ages.
Dieback of the Amazon Rainforest Under Climate Change in the Latest Earth System Models
Dieback of the Amazon rainforest has long been touted as a possible climate tipping point, even though only a small minority of Earth System Models were projecting dieback.
A Line of Ash from Sangay
November brought a new round of explosions, volcanic tremors, and gas and steam emissions to Ecuador’s most active volcano.
Underwater Tsunamis Created by Glacier Calving
Scientists on a research vessel in Antarctica watched the front of a glacier disintegrate and their measurements ‘went off the scale’.