The urgent need to remove excess carbon dioxide from Earth’s environment could include enlisting some of our planet’s smallest inhabitants, according to an international research team led by Michael Hochella of the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Major Fires an Increasing Risk as the Air Gets Thirstier, Research Shows
Greater atmospheric demand for water means a dramatic increase in the risk of major fires in global forests unless we take urgent and effective climate action, new research finds.
Reliable Planning Tool for the Emissions Path to Achieving the Paris Temperature Goal
The calculation method is based solely on observations rather than models and scenarios. According to the study, international climate policy has to become even more ambitious.
Engineers Use Quantum Computing to Develop Transparent Window Coating That Blocks Heat, Saves Energy
Cooling accounts for about 15 percent of global energy consumption. Conventional clear windows allow the sun to heat up interior spaces, which energy-guzzling air-conditioners must then cool down.
Studies Into Impact of Pollutants Will Develop Strategies to Clean Up UK Rivers
New research will investigate how pollution impacts our country’s rivers, develop better monitoring methods and put forward solutions for better chemical management to improve water quality.
Clouds Less Climate-Sensitive Than Assumed
Cumulus clouds in trade-wind regions cover nearly 20 percent of our planet, producing a cooling effect.