A new study by researchers at the University of Oxford, finds that logged rainforests are treasure-troves of healthy ecological function and should not be written off for oil palm plantations.
Mapping the Middle Ground: Balancing Mining Activities With Survival of Utah's Rare Plants
It can be easy to assume that the vast stretches of desert in southeastern Utah and southwestern Colorado are mostly barren landscapes — but in truth, the sagebrush-strewn Colorado Plateau is awash with treasure.
Scientists Release UK Roadmap for Phosphorus
As fertiliser prices rocket, to around four times higher than they were in 2020, scientists are launching the UK’s first comprehensive strategy setting out how we could transform our management of phosphorus.
A Finland of Forests and Peatlands is a Carbon Sink
In climate-smart forestry, forests and peatlands should provide livelihoods for their owners, but also sequestrate carbon, safeguard biodiversity, and provide recreation.
Earth Saw Its 9th-Warmest November in 143 Years
Polar sea ice coverage was fourth-lowest on record for November.
With Major Prize, a Project to Turn Carbon Emissions to Stone Gains Momentum
Geologist Peter Kelemen has been working in the desert of Oman for more than 15 years to study natural chemical reactions within rare deep-earth rocks that pull carbon from the air and lock it into solid mineral form.