Climate change will reshape ecosystems worldwide through two types of climate events: short-term, extreme events — like a heat wave — and long-term changes, like a shift in ocean currents.
Electrochemistry Converts Carbon to Useful Molecules
A chemistry collaboration led to a creative way to put carbon dioxide to good – and even healthy – use: by incorporating it, via electrosynthesis, into a series of organic molecules that are vital to pharmaceutical development.
AI to Monitor Changes to Globally Important Glacier
Scientists have developed AI to track the development of crevasses - or fractures - on the Thwaites Glacier ice tongue in west Antarctica.
Team Projects Two Out of Three Glaciers Could Be Lost by 2100
David Rounce has led an international effort to produce new projections of glacier mass loss through the century under different emissions scenarios.
Compound Extreme Heat and Drought Will Hit 90% of World Population – Oxford Study
Warming is projected to intensify these hazards ten-fold globally under the highest emission pathway, says the report, published in Nature Sustainability.
Using Machine Learning to Forecast Amine Emissions
Global warming is partly due to the vast amount of carbon dioxide that we release, mostly from power generation and industrial processes, such as making steel and cement.