Every year, the United States spends nearly a trillion dollars fighting metallic corrosion, an electrochemical reaction that occurs when metals oxidize and begin to rust.
How a 3 cm Glass Sphere Could Help Scientists Understand Space Weather
Solar flares and other types of space weather can wreak havoc with spaceflight and with telecommunications and other types of satellites orbiting the Earth. But, to date, scientists’ ability to research ways to overcome that challenge has been severely limited.
NASA Scientists and Satellites Make Sense of Earth’s Subtle Motions
What can hidden motions underground tell us about earthquakes, eruptions, and even climate change?
Wolves Eliminate Deer on Alaskan Island Then Quickly Shift to Eating Sea Otters, Research Finds
Wolves on an Alaskan island caused a deer population to plummet and switched to primarily eating sea otters in just a few years, a finding scientists at Oregon State University and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game believe is the first case of sea otters becoming the primary food source for a land-based predator.
NASA Measures Underground Water Flowing From Sierra to Central Valley
In a recent study, scientists found that a previously unmeasured source – water percolating through soil and fractured rock below California’s Sierra Nevada mountains – delivers an average of 4 million acre feet (5 cubic kilometers) of water to the state’s Central Valley each year.
The Highest Greenland Temperatures in 1000 Years
Recent high temperatures on the ice sheet in central and northern Greenland lies are unique, when compared to 1000 years of reconstructed climate conditions on the ice sheet.