In recent years, there have been increasing reports of toxic blue-green algae blooms in summer, even in German lakes, caused by climate warming and increased nutrient inputs.
Monitoring Airport Wastewater Growing More Complicated, Says University of Guelph Researcher
As a pilot project involving University of Guelph researchers monitoring wastewater at Toronto Pearson Airport for coronavirus variants enters its second year, one of its lead researchers says the work has grown more complicated.
The Single Oil Spill that Can Disrupt the Global Energy Supply
A maritime area three times the size of the city of London holds the highest risk for oil spills in the Gulf which can have devastating consequences locally and globally.
The Food Systems That Will Feed Mars Are Set to Transform Food on Earth
Could we feed a city on Mars? This question is central to the future of space exploration and has serious repercussions on Earth too.
2022 was world’s 6th-warmest year on record
The planet continued its warming trend in 2022, with last year ranking as the sixth-warmest year on record since 1880, according to an analysis by scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).
Can Elephants Save the Planet?
Researchers discover elephant extinction could have major impact on atmospheric carbon levels.