An experiment at a San Diego beach is turning the seawater pink, temporarily, in the name of science.
Looking Beyond Microplastics, Oregon State Researchers Find That Cotton and Synthetic Microfibers Impact Behavior and Growth of Aquatic Organisms
While microplastics have received significant attention in recent years for their negative environmental impacts, a new study from Oregon State University scientists found microfibers from synthetic materials as well as cotton impacted the behavior and growth of water organisms.
Research Reveals “Negative Feedback” Loop Between Warming and Net Exchange of Carbon Caused by Erosion
In the study of human impact on the environment, there are few negative or stabilising feedbacks on climate change.
Water Crises Due to Climate Change: More Severe Than Previously Thought
Climate change alters the global atmospheric circulation, which in turn alters precipitation and evaporation in large parts of the world and, in consequence, the amount of river water that can be used locally.
Cheap, Sustainable Hydrogen Through Solar Power
Withstanding high temperatures and the light of 160 suns, a new catalyst is 10 times more efficient than previous sun-powered water-splitting devices of its kind.
Study Links Adoption of Electric Vehicles With Less Air Pollution and Improved Health
Electric vehicles are widely hailed as a key way to mitigate climate change through reduced emissions, but research on the dual benefits of reduced air pollution and improved health has been largely hypothetical.