Climate change is a global environmental concern. A major contribution to climate change comes from excessive burning of fossil fuels.
California Reservoirs Refilled by Winter Deluges, Satellite Images Show
In the wake of a series of destructive storms in late December and early January, California’s long-ailing mountain reservoirs have risen, satellite images from NASA show.
Researchers Build More Detailed Picture of the Movement of Greenland Ice Sheet
Researchers have found that the movement of glaciers in Greenland is more complex than previously thought, with deformation in regions of warmer ice containing small amounts of water accounting for motion that had often been assumed to be caused by sliding where the ice meets the bedrock beneath.
Asphalt Volcano Communities
Santa Barbara Channel’s natural oil seeps are a beach-goer’s bane, flecking the shores with blobs of tar. But the leaking petroleum also creates fascinating geologic and biologic features.
Carbon Emissions From Fertilisers Could Be Reduced By As Much As 80% By 2050
Researchers have calculated the carbon footprint for the full life cycle of fertilisers, which are responsible for approximately five percent of total greenhouse gas emissions – the first time this has been accurately quantified – and found that carbon emissions could be reduced to one-fifth of current levels by 2050.
Global Comparison Shows: Soil Transplantation Boosts Nature Restoration
A new study comparing 46 field experiments in 17 countries across four continents clearly spells it out: areas in need of nature restoration benefit from soil transplantation.