Rising temperatures have led to the growth of algal blooms in water bodies, mountainous areas, and coastal regions as far as the Arctic.
A Once-Stable Glacier in Greenland is Now Rapidly Disappearing
As climate change causes ocean temperatures to rise, one of Greenland’s previously most stable glaciers is now retreating at an unprecedented rate, according to a new study.
How Different Were Galaxies In the Early Universe?
An array of 350 radio telescopes in the Karoo desert of South Africa is getting closer to detecting the “cosmic dawn” — the era after the Big Bang when stars first ignited and galaxies began to bloom.
Using Machine Learning to Find Reliable and Low-Cost Solar Cells
Researchers at the University of California, Davis College of Engineering are using machine learning to identify new materials for high-efficiency solar cells. Using high-throughput experiments and machine learning-based algorithms, they have found it is possible to forecast the materials’ dynamic behavior with very high accuracy, without the need to perform as many experiments.
New Research Sparks Concerns That Ocean Circulation Will Collapse
It is being hailed as a sea change in scientific understanding of the global ocean circulation system and how it will respond as the world heats up.
New Approach Estimates Long-Term Coastal Cliff Loss
In parts of California’s iconic mountainous coasts, breathtaking beauty is punctuated by brusque signs warning spectators to stay back from unstable cliffs.