Using satellite data from more than 7,000 global reservoirs, Texas A&M researchers found that while total storage capacity has increased, the filling rate is lower than expected.
Cryo Conservation – A Cool Solution to Saving Species From Extinction
In the face of the biodiversity crisis, and alarming data showing a 69% decline in global animal populations since 1970, researchers are banking on a cool solution to help save species from extinction.
Mechanical Engineers Lend Fresh Insight Into Battery-Based Desalination Technology
To achieve more effective saltwater desalination, mechanical engineers focused on fluid movement rather than new materials in a new study.
Supersized Fruit Eater Database on Climate Change Frontline
To conserve precious and fragile biodiversity hotspots, a crucial step is knowing how the fruit eaters are doing.
Alps: Lightning Activity Doubled in a Few Decades
In the high altitudes of the European Eastern Alps, the number of detected lightning strikes has doubled in the course of the last 40 years.
This Salty Gel Could Harvest Water From Desert Air
MIT engineers have synthesized a superabsorbent material that can soak up a record amount of moisture from the air, even in desert-like conditions.