Fluctuating sunlight poses a challenge for plants and green algae, which must quickly adjust their photosynthetic systems to remain efficient in changing conditions.
An Unexpected Discovery at the Air-Water Interface
Ocean acidification, mammal respiration, and aerosol formation all depend on chemistry that occurs at air-water interfaces.
Climate Change Will Increase Wildfire Risk and Lengthen Fire Seasons, Study Confirms
Wildfires are some of the most destructive natural disasters in the country, threatening lives, destroying homes and infrastructure, and creating air pollution.
Technology not Growing Fast Enough to Decarbonize Steel and Cement Industries by 2050
Steel and cement are two materials that no society can do without.
Coral Reefs in Peril From Record-Breaking Ocean Heat
Record breaking marine heatwaves will cause devastating mass coral bleaching worldwide in the next few years, according to a University of Queensland coral reef scientist.
Turning the Problem into the Solution
Natural gas is one of the largest contributors to the world’s energy and a viable fuel for many different uses.