A new study suggests ice recovered from high tropical mountains can reveal key insights about Earth’s past climate changes.
How Forests Smell – A Risk for the Climate?
Plants emit odours for a variety of reasons, such as to communicate with each other, to deter herbivores or to respond to changing environmental conditions.
New NASA Satellite To Unravel Mysteries About Clouds, Aerosols
Some of the same properties of light and optics that make the sky blue and cause rainbows can also help scientists unlock mysteries about cloud formation and the effects of tiny particles in our air.
Resource-Efficient and Climate-Friendly With Sodium-Ion Batteries
The transition to a society without fossil fuels means that the need for batteries is increasing at a rapid pace.
New AI Method Counts Manatee Clusters in Real Time
Manatees are endangered species volatile to the environment.
NASA Sensor Produces First Global Maps of Surface Minerals in Arid Regions
EMIT delivers first-of-a-kind maps of minerals in Earth’s dust-source areas, enabling scientists to model the fine particles’ role in climate change and more.