Conservation efforts directed towards just 0.7% of the world’s land mass could help protect 1/3 of the world’s threatened and unique tetrapod species.
Just How Dangerous Is Great Salt Lake Dust? New Research Looks for Clues
U scientists determine sediments from the dry playa have elevated 'oxidative potential,' indicating greater risk to human health.
Traditional Infrastructure Design Often Makes Extreme Flooding Events Worse
Massive 2014 flooding event in southeast Michigan showed why systems thinking beats local thinking in flood protection.
Study Suggests Us Droughts, Rainy Extremes Becoming More Severe
Severe drought in the American Southwest and Mexico and more severe wet years in the Northeast are the modern norm in North America, according to new research – and the analysis suggests these seasonal patterns will be more extreme in the future.
Study Shows How Oceans Are Key to Addressing Global Challenges
New research shows how oceans can be used to help address major challenges such as the shortage of antimicrobial medicines, solutions for plastic pollution and novel enzymes for genome editing.
A Better Understanding of Climate Change: Researchers Study Cloud Movement in the Arctic
Special features of the Arctic climate, such as the strong reflection of the sun’s rays off the light snow or the low position of the sun, amplify global warming in the Arctic.