The U.S. energy portfolio changes over time. Scientific and technologic advances related to hydraulic fracturing have dramatically increased the supply of U.S. oil and gas; because of this, a methane economy - in which natural gas provides the leading share of primary energy consumption - is now a possible scenario for U.S. energy development. In a report released by the American Geosciences Institute (AGI), the social, political, technical and environmental components of a methane economy are identified. The report also addresses how industry, government and the public might best work together to advance common energy goals.

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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health researchers say that levels of radon in Pennsylvania homes - where 42 percent of readings surpass what the U.S. government considers safe - have been on the rise since 2004, around the time that the fracking industry began drilling natural gas wells in the state.

The researchers, publishing online April 9 in Environmental Health Perspectives, also found that buildings located in the counties where natural gas is most actively being extracted out of Marcellus shale have in the past decade seen significantly higher readings of radon compared with buildings in low-activity areas. There were no such county differences prior to 2004. Radon, an odorless radioactive gas, is considered the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the world after smoking. 

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We know that many animals have adapted to deal with our sprawling urbanization, but a new study reveals that ants might also be getting in on the act by developing a taste for our waste food scraps and our junk food. The research, conducted by scientists at North Carolina State University and published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, aimed to investigate the eating habits of the most common ant species in our big cities. 

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Se estima que en 2014 más de dos mil millones de teléfonos móviles fueron vendidos en todo el mundo. De ellos, más de mil millones se estima que eran teléfonos inteligentes. Asimismo, se estima que un masivo 87% de la población del mundo ahora utiliza teléfonos móviles. Estas son cifras impresionantes, pero ¿cuántos de nosotros hemos pensado de donde nuestros preciosos teléfonos móviles vienen y que les sucede una vez que los descartamos por un modelo más nuevo?

Cada año millones de teléfonos móviles se producen en el mundo y un número igual se desecha. 

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The United States has one of the oldest, best-established park systems in the world. But what if those public lands -- mostly created to preserve scenic natural wonders -- are in the wrong place to conserve the lion’s share of the nation’s unique biodiversity? A new study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found exactly that. Existing “protected lands -- both federal and private -- poorly match the biodiversity priorities in the country,” say the researchers. 

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El Sol pasa por un tipo de variación estacional en su actividad, creciendo y menguando a lo largo de casi dos años, según un nuevo estudio realizado por un equipo de investigadores dirigido por el Centro Nacional para la Investigación Atmosférica (NCAR). Este comportamiento afecta a los picos y valles en el ciclo solar de aproximadamente 11 años, para a veces amplificar y a veces debilitar las tormentas solares que pueden alcanzar la atmósfera de la Tierra.

Las variaciones cuasi-anuales parecen estar impulsadas por los cambios en las bandas de fuertes campos magnéticos en cada hemisferio solar. Estas bandas también ayudan a dar forma al ciclo de aproximadamente 11 años que es parte de un ciclo más largo que dura unos 22 años.

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