A new report confirms that 2015 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy in which 147 Gigawatts of renewable electricity came online.

That figure represents the largest annual increase ever recorded, and is due in part to the $286 billion invested in renewables. In fact, in 2015 almost twice as much money was spent on renewable energy, like solar and wind power, than fossil fuels like gas-fired power stations — only $130 billion.

This information comes as part of the Renewables Global Status Report authored by the global renewable energy policy network known as REN21. 


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Tropical Depression 1E or TD1E didn't get far from the time it was born to the time it weakened to a remnant low pressure area along the southwestern coast of Mexico. NOAA's GOES-West satellite captured an image of it remnant clouds.

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Una nueva investigación muestra que los peces jóvenes están comiendo pequeñas piezas de plástico en lugar de su comida regular, con consecuencias potencialmente devastadoras. Un estudio publicado este mes en la revista "Science", explica que las crías de perca juvenil parecen estar comiendo microplásticos en lugar de sus habituales fuentes de alimentos, como el zooplancton.

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Casi el 15 por ciento de los estados de Estados Unidos sufre de una moderada a una grave sequía, lo que hace que la conservación del agua sea crítica en algunas partes del país. ¿Cómo podemos convencer a la gente de ahorrar más agua?

Esa es la pregunta que los profesores de la Universidad de Instituto de Alimentos y Ciencias Agrícolas de Florida han puesto a prueba. 

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The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Inorganic Chemistry Division has published a Provisional Recommendation for the names and symbols of the recently discovered superheavy elements 113, 115, 117, and 118.

The provisional names for 115, 117 and 118 -- originally proposed by the discovering team from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia; the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California; and Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee -- will now undergo a statutory period for public review before the names and symbols can be finally approved by the IUPAC Council.

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