An international team of scientists have found a potentially viable way to remove anthropogenic (caused or influenced by humans) carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere - turn it into rock.

The study, published today in Science, has shown for the first time that the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) can be permanently and rapidly locked away from the atmosphere, by injecting it into volcanic bedrock. The CO2 reacts with the surrounding rock, forming environmentally benign minerals.

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Dam removal in New England is not only an important aspect of river restoration but it also provides an opportunity to enhance the magnitude and rate of river re-connection, and improve watershed resilience in response to human impact on the environment, if a broader strategic removal approach is implemented throughout the region, according to a new Dartmouth-led study published in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.

The study is the first interdisciplinary, region-wide assessment of the social and biophysical impacts of dam removal and was conducted by researchers at Dartmouth, American Rivers and the USDA Forest Service.


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El "Templo del tigre 'de Tailandia era una fachada para la explotación comercial de huesos de tigre, pieles y otras partes para el lucrativo comercio internacional, escribe Simon Evans. No se hizo ninguna contribución a la conservación y los animales fueron sometidos a una extrema crueldad. Pero mientras que el cierre del templo es una buena noticia, hay cientos de granjas de tigres similares en toda la región que no son mejores…incluso son peores. El famoso 'templo del tigre' de Tailandia por fin se ha cerrado, después de casi dos décadas de controversia. La popular atracción turística, cerca de Bangkok permitió que los visitantes convivieran y posaran con los animales.

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Decades of unregulated industrial waste dumping in areas of the Great Lakes have created a host of environmental and wildlife problems. Now it appears that Lake Michigan painted and snapping turtles could be a useful source for measuring the resulting pollution.

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