Samples of sediment taken from the ocean floor of the North Atlantic Ocean have given researchers an unprecedented insight into the reasons why Europe’s climate has changed over the past 3000 years.
Climate Change Could Increase Volcano Eruptions
A new study, led by the University of Leeds, found there was less volcanic activity in Iceland when glacier cover was more extensive. As the glaciers melted, volcanic eruptions increased due to subsequent changes in surface pressure.
What counts as nature? It all depends
Think, for a moment, about the last time you were out in nature. Were you in a city park? At a campground? On the beach? In the mountains?
Now consider: What was this place like in your parents’ time? Your grandparents’? In many cases, the parks, beaches and campgrounds of today are surrounded by more development, or are themselves more developed, than they were decades ago.
Solar Energy Becomes Largest Source of New Electricity Capacity in India
The solar sector has surpassed coal as the largest generator of new electricity in India, accounting for 39 percent of new electricity production in 2017, according to new data.
Arthritis, autoimmune disease discovery could lead to new treatments
More than 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and lupus, in which an overzealous immune response leads to pain, inflammation, skin disorders and other chronic health problems. The conditions are so common that three of the top-five selling drugs in the United States aim to ease their symptoms. But no cure exists, and treatments are expensive and come with side effects.
Now CU Boulder researchers have developed a potent, drug-like compound that could someday revolutionize treatment of such diseases by inhibiting a protein instrumental in prompting the body to start attacking its own tissue.
Cómo la agricultura de carbono puede ayudar a resolver el cambio climático
En virtud del Acuerdo de París de 2015, las naciones se comprometieron a elevar la temperatura global promedio en menos de 2 ° C por encima de los niveles preindustriales y a tomar medidas para reducir esa elevación a 1,5 ° C. Para alcanzar esos objetivos, no solo debemos detener el aumento de nuestras emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, también debemos extraer grandes cantidades de dióxido de carbono (CO2) de la atmósfera.