Researchers test the effects predators have on their prey’s cortisol levels in the wild
More-severe climate model predictions could be the most accurate: study
The climate models that project greater amounts of warming this century are the ones that best align with observations of the current climate, according to a new paper from Carnegie’s Patrick Brown and Ken Caldeira published by Nature. Their findings suggest that the models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, on average, may be underestimating future warming.
Climate model simulations are used to predict how much warming should be expected for any given increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
London air pollution cancels positive health effects of exercise in over-60s
Exposure to air pollution on city streets is enough to counter the beneficial health effects of exercise in older adults, according to new research.
Ventanas de oportunidad: Celdas solares con transparencia mejorada
En Tokio, los paneles solares montados en el techo son cada vez más comunes en muchos lugares. Como fuente electricidad limpia y barata, sus ventajas son evidentes. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los paneles solares son opacos y por lo tanto no pueden ser colocados en las ventanas. Ahora, investigadores de la Universidad de Tokio, del Instituto de Ciencia Industrial (IIS), han hecho avances en el diseño de materiales solares transparentes.
Go with the flow (or against it)
Queen’s University researchers are using magnetic fields to influence a specific type of bacteria to swim against strong currents, opening up the potential of using the microscopic organisms for drug delivery in environments with complex microflows – like the human bloodstream.
“MTB have tiny (nanoscopic) organelles called magnetosomes, which act like a compass needle that helps them navigate to nutrient-rich locations in aquatic environments – their natural habitats – by using the Earth’s magnetic field,” says Dr. Escobedo. “In nature, MTB play a key role in Earth’s cycles by influencing marine biogeochemistry via transporting minerals and organic matters as nutrients.”
Investigadores descubren un proceso innovador para convertir directamente metano en metanol
La oxidación directa del metano (que se encuentra en el gas natural) para producir metanol a bajas temperaturas ha sido durante mucho tiempo un santo grial. Ahora, los investigadores de Tufts han encontrado una manera innovadora para lograr la hazaña usando un catalizador heterogéneo y oxígeno molecular barato, según un artículo publicado en la revista Nature por un equipo dirigido por los ingenieros químicos de la Universidad de Tufts.