The same satellites that identify severe weather can help save you from it.
Study shows smartphones harm the environment
At the end of winter term in 2014, Lotfi Belkhir was approached by a student taking his Total Sustainability and Management course who asked, “What does software sustainability mean?”
Green Spaces in Cities Help Control Floods, Store Carbon
For many ecologists, fieldwork involves majestic mountains or rushing rivers or large tracts of wilderness. At the very least, it means exploring natural areas that aren’t defined by human development.
Sorry, Groundhog: February and Winter 2018 were warmer than average for the U.S.
In a “prediction” that mirrored last year, Punxsutawney Phil, the famous furry forecaster, saw his shadow in early February and as the legend goes, supposedly six more weeks of winter for the U.S. Unfortunately for Phil, his forecast has not been supported by the climate record, so far.
Deforestation May Intensify Global Warming Even More Than Previously Predicted
Unless the clearing of tropical forests is halted, the mean global temperature could rise an extra 0.8 °C, even with cuts in emissions from fossil fuels, scientists warn in an article in Nature Communications
Desertification and Monsoon Climate Change Linked to Shifts in Ice Volume and Sea Level
A new study shows that, during the Ice Age, both the East Asian summer monsoon and desertification in Eurasia were driven by fluctuating Northern Hemisphere ice volume and global sea level.