With climate change, irrigating more crops in the United States will be critical to sustaining future yields, as drought conditions are likely to increase due to warmer temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns.
Studying How Children Learn Words With No Meaning
Researchers at the MIT Language Acquisition Lab are using funds from the 2022 Levitan Prize in the Humanities to carry out a set of studies investigating children's acquisition of "expletives" or “dummy words” — words that don't seem to have any meaning.
Bee Populations At Risk of One-Two Punch From Heat Waves, Pathogen Infection
The historically high heat waves that gripped the southwest United States and southern Europe this summer are causing problems for more than just humans.
Gray Whale Calf Count Increases from All-time Low, Positive Sign for the Population
Almost twice as many gray whale calves swam north with their mothers to their Arctic feeding grounds this spring compared to last year, according to a new count completed by NOAA Fisheries’ Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
UC Irvine Scientists Say Deepening Arctic Snowpack Drives Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Human-caused climate change is shortening the snow cover period in the Arctic.
Fresher Air: AI and Mobility Data May Improve Air Pollution Exposure Models
Americans in the northeast paid greater attention to air quality alerts this summer as wildfire smoke thickened skies with an orange-tinted haze.