When a sabertooth tiger called out, what noise did it make – a mighty roar or a throaty purr?
NASA Maps Key Heat Wave Differences in Southern California
No stranger to hot weather, the region is facing more humid heat waves that test the adaptability of its residents.
New Test Chamber Created to Find Better Ways to Keep People Cool
A shipping container that can test passive cooling systems could help researchers and builders find carbon-free ways to keep people cool in extreme temperatures.
First AUV Deployed From New Polar Ship
An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) was deployed from the RRS Sir David Attenborough (SDA) for the first time last week.
Students Get Their Feet Wet Gathering Watershed Data
After studying Koshkonong Creek and its surrounding land during the school year, University of Wisconsin–Madison Water Resources Management students waded in – literally – to the next phase of research this summer.
Even a Small Patch of Native Greenery Can Give a Big Boost to Local Insects
In cities, a little native greenery can go a long way. Australian scientists found that, after adding native shrubs to a planting in Melbourne, the number of insect species at the site increased sevenfold.