Household air pollution may have caused around 4.3 million premature deaths from respiratory diseases in 2012, mainly in developing countries, according to a medical paper.
Such pollution dramatically increases the risk of both children and adults contracting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), says the paper, published online last month in Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
The conclusions are based on an analysis of medical studies about the respiratory effects on people exposed to household air pollution.
What is the value of bees?
What are bees worth to our economy? A group of researchers have attempted to do the math, and the result shows exactly why we need to protect our pollinating bees but also why we can’t rely on economic worth alone to make our arguments for saving threatened species.
It may sound slightly abhorrent to put a price on a living creature–and, to an extent, it is. But calculating the monetary worth of wildlife and, in particular, their place in the overall economy has become a useful way for researchers to communicate to governments and even businesses that they need to take a closer look at preventing species die-out. When it comes to bees however, researchers have found an interesting fact that they say shows the worth and the shortcomings of this approach.
Kids need green open spaces
Is it coincidence that Isaac Newton discovered gravity while sitting under a tree? Or that Albert Einstein said, “Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.”
A study was just released that says outdoor green spaces make kids smarter.
The study assessed whether exposure to green space improved the cognitive development in children. Researchers tested the cognitive development of 2,593 schoolchildren in Spain, ages 7 to 10.
Stricter emissions standards for trucks proposed
The Obama administration announced new rules today that would require tighter emissions guidelines for medium and heavy-duty trucks in an effort to reduce greenhouse gases.
The rules, proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), were expected to cut carbon dioxide emissions from trucks and vans by one-quarter by the year 2027.
The proposed standards affect semi-trucks, large pickup trucks and vans, buses and work trucks and cover model years 2021-2027, officials said.
Riesgos para la salud humana asociados con el cambio climático
Desde olas de calor y cultivos dañados hasta el asma en los niños, el cambio climático es un importante problema de salud pública, afirma un investigador de la Universidad Estatal de Michigan en un nuevo estudio. El cambio climático es algo más que la fusión de los casquetes polares y las imágenes de la Tierra en el fuego, dijo Sean Valles, profesor asistente en Lyman Briggs College y el Departamento de Filosofía, que cree en bioética podrían ayudar a replantear el discurso actual cambio climático.
Tenemos que considerar la naturaleza como un "capital" para hacerla más sostenible
Los investigadores han esbozado hoy, en una serie de informes, cómo los gobiernos, las organizaciones y las empresas se están moviendo con éxito, fuera de la explotación a corto plazo de la naturaleza, para abrazar una visión a largo plazo de la "naturaleza como un capital", el banco mundial definitivo del que dependen la salud y la prosperidad de los seres humanos y el planeta.
Los informes, publicados en las Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, sugieren que se han logrado avances significativos en los últimos diez años, y que la gente, los responsables políticos y líderes de todo el mundo están empezando a entender los servicios ambientales como algo más allá de cortar un árbol o pescar un pez.