París estaba a la vanguardia de los sistemas públicos de bicicleta de reparto, y ahora tiene esquemas de distribución de automóviles eléctricos y es algo así como un laboratorio para la movilidad. A partir de hoy los conductores con coches construidos antes de 1997 y las motocicletas construidas antes del 2000, ya no podrán conducir en la ciudad durante las horas del día de lunes a viernes.
Nueva tecnologÃa podrÃa mejorar el uso de la energÃa hidroeléctrica a pequeña escala en los paÃses en desarrollo
Los ingenieros de la Universidad Estatal de Oregón (OSU por sus siglas en inglés)han creado un nuevo paquete informático de modelado que la gente en cualquier parte del mundo podría utilizar para evaluar el potencial de una corriente de pequeña escala, energía hidroeléctrica de una "corriente de río", una opción para producir la electricidad que es de especial importancia en los países en desarrollo.
NASA's Aqua satellite scans powerful Typhoon Nepartak
NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Typhoon Nepartak after it became a major typhoon in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean.
The second tropical cyclone of the northwestern Pacific Ocean season formed on July 3 and strengthened quickly into a tropical storm that was named Nepartak.
On July 5 at 0359 UTC (11:59 p.m. EDT) infrared data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder aboard NASA's Aqua satellite detected strong thunderstorms completely surrounding the center of Nepartak with temperatures colder than minus 63 degrees Celsius (minus 81 Fahrenheit). Temperatures that could indicate very powerful thunderstorms with cloud tops high into the troposphere. Bands of powerful thunderstorms wrapped into the low-level center of circulation from the northwest and southeast.
Penguin colonies at risk from erupting volcano
A volcano erupting on a small island in the Sub Antarctic is depositing ash over one of the world’s largest penguin colonies.
Zavodovski Island is a small island in the South Sandwich archipelago and its volcano Mt Curry has been erupting since March 2016. The island is home to over one million chinstrap penguins – the largest colony for this species in the world.
California droughts caused mainly by changes in wind, not moisture
Droughts in California are mainly controlled by wind, not by the amount of evaporated moisture in the air, new research has found. The research increases the understanding of how the water cycle is related to extreme events and could eventually help in predicting droughts and floods.
The findings were published in Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union, on June 30. The research increases the understanding of how the water cycle is related to extreme events and could eventually help in predicting droughts and floods, said lead author Jiangfeng Wei, a research scientist at The University of Texas at Austin's Jackson School of Geosciences.
"Ocean evaporation provides moisture for California precipitation but is not the reason for droughts there, although the ocean evaporation is slightly lower during droughts," Wei said.
Characteristics improving bean resistance to drought identified
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important food legume in the tropics. It is an inexpensive source of proteins and minerals for almost 400 million people, mainly from Africa and Latin America. It is generally cultivated by small farmers and subject to conditions limiting their productivity. Drought affects 60% of bean crops around the world and can cause from 10% in productivity losses to a total of 100% in some cases.
Researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Bean Programme at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Colombia have identified drought-resistant genotypes and the morpho-physiological characteristics related to this resistance. The experiments were conducted in Palmira, Colombia, from June to September in 2012 and 2013, and the results were recently published in Frontiers in Plant Science.