Climate change is a serious threat to humans, animals, and the earth’s ecosystems. Nevertheless, effective climate action has been delayed, partly because some still deny that there is a problem. In a new thesis in psychology, Kirsti Jylhä at Uppsala University has studied the psychology behind climate change denial. The results show that individuals who accept hierarchical power structures tend to a larger extent deny the problem.

In the scientific community there is a strong consensus that humans have significantly affected the climate and that we are facing serious challenges. But there is a lot of misinformation about climate change in circulation, which to a large part is created and distributed by organised campaigns with the aim of postponing measures that could combat climate change. And there are people who are more prone than others to trust this misinformation.

Previous research has consistently shown that it is more common among politically conservative individuals to deny climate change. In her thesis, Kirsti Jylhä has investigated this further and in more detail. Her studies included ideological and personality variables which correlate with political ideology, and tested if those variables also correlate with climate change denial.

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Berkeley Lab develops better method of environmental monitoring using the PhyloChip, finds surprising results in Russian River watershed

When the local water management agency closes your favorite beach due to unhealthy water quality, how reliable are the tests they base their decisions on? As it turns out, those tests, as well as the standards behind them, have not been updated in decades. Now scientists from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have developed a highly accurate, DNA-based method to detect and distinguish sources of microbial contamination in water.

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Feeding the world’s burgeoning population is a major challenge for agricultural scientists and agribusinesses, who are busy developing higher-yielding crop varieties. Yet University of Illinois researchers stress that we should not overlook sustainability in the frenzy to achieve production goals.

More than a third of the global land area is currently in food production. This figure is likely to expand, leading to deforestation, habitat loss, and weakening of essential ecosystem services, according to U of I agroecologist Sarah Taylor Lovell and graduate student Matt Wilson. To address these and other problems, they are promoting an unconventional solution: agroforestry.

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Un compromiso auténtico de una organización con la sustentabilidad debe resultar en ofrecer un valor real incluyendo un aumento en ideas innovadoras, ahorro en costos además de incluir a los grupos de interés. Las siguientes ideas pueden ayudarle a su organización a consolidar o iniciar su estrategia de comunicación e inspirar la acción de su personal.

  1. Visión amplia y de conjunto

Tomarse el tiempo para dar un paso atrás y mirar el cuadro grande y de esta forma identificar las grandes tendencias hacia donde se está dirigiendo la atención de los grupos de interés (clientes, empleados, gobiernos, inversionistas, etc.) es esencial para garantizar la sobrevivencia de una organización, una de estas macro tendencias es la Sustentabilidad ambiental empresarial.

Si se elige trabajar sobre los temas de sustentabilidad ambiental es importante determinar áreas estratégicas en las que se pueden capturar más valor e impacto y crear elementos tangibles como enverdecer las operaciones y elementos intangibles como comprometer a los empleados sobre una cultura de responsabilidad ambiental.

Enverdecer sus operaciones e instalaciones puede enfocarse hacia la mejora de la eco eficiencia donde exista un ahorro de costos, desafortunadamente los esfuerzos que hacen muchas organizaciones a menudo pasan desapercibidos y son invisibles para los empleados, clientes y los diversos grupos de interés, por eso mismo es esencial el aspecto del compromiso de los empleados y la estrategia de comunicación

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Doubling of the carbon dioxide concentration will cause global plant photosynthesis to increase by about one third, according to a paper published in the journal Nature

The study has relevance for the health of the biosphere because photosynthesis provides the primary food-source for animal life, but it also has great relevance for future climate change.

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