A breakthrough technique developed by University of Oxford researchers could one day provide tailored repairs for those who suffer brain injuries.
Hot Weather Hits Productivity – Even in Air-Conditioned Factories
Hot weather reduces workers' productivity -- even if their workplace is air conditioned, new research shows.
Lancaster University to Open First Prediction Market for Atlantic Hurricanes
Researchers at Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) are on a quest to bring together experts to predict hurricane activity in the Atlantic Ocean.
‘Climate Vulnerability Index’ Shows Where Action, Resources Are Needed To Address Climate Change Threats
Dr. Weihsueh Chiu, a professor at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, partnered with Environmental Defense Fund to create a new tool that provides communities and policymakers with actionable data about long-term vulnerabilities tied to climate change.
The Oceans Are Getting Greener, Remote Sensing Reveals
Satellite images have confirmed that the world’s oceans have become slightly greener. Scientists suspect climate change is the reason.
Expert: Weather Extremes Influence the Rise and Fall of Insect Populations
Insect populations are widely influenced by weather anomalies, with decreasing numbers observed during unfavorable conditions and a spike in normal periods, according to a new study.