Nineteen million years ago, during a time known as the early Miocene, massive ice sheets in Antarctica rapidly and repeatedly grew and receded.
As Temperatures Rise, Dengue Fever Spreads and Cases Rise
The monsoon season in Bangladesh typically runs from May to September, with rainfall peaking in July and sputtering out in early October.
Analysis of Carbon Cycle During Last Glacial Period Can Help Monitor Climate Crisis
Gas exchanges between the atmosphere and the ocean are a key part of the carbon cycle, playing a vital role in climate regulation and maintenance of the planet’s ecological equilibrium.
Breathing Highway Air Increases Blood Pressure, UW Research Finds
For more than a century, American cities have been sliced and diced by high-traffic roadways.
Being Prepared for Storm Surges on the Baltic Sea Coast
The record storm surge in October 2023 caused severe damage to the German Baltic coast.
Bees are Still Being Harmed Despite Tightened Pesticide Regulations
A new study has confirmed that pesticides, commonly used in farmland, significantly harm bumblebees – Ireland’s most important wild pollinators.