In the Northeastern United States, warming average temperatures for most all climate data sites in December 2023 ranged from 3.6 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit above normal – making 2023 the warmest year on record for 13 of the region’s 35 major urban areas, including New York City.
Most Adirondack Lakes Will Likely Become Unsuitable for Trout
Climate warming and lake browning – when dissolved organic matter from forests turns the water tea-brown – are making the bottom of most lakes in the Adirondacks unlivable for cold water species such as trout, salmon and whitefish during the summer.
Researchers Improve Seed Nitrogen Content by Reducing Plant Chlorophyll Levels
Chlorophyll plays a pivotal role in photosynthesis, which is why plants have evolved to have high chlorophyll levels in their leaves.
Study Shows That the Way the Brain Learns is Different From the Way That Artificial Intelligence Systems Learn
The essence of learning is to pinpoint which components in the information-processing pipeline are responsible for an error in output. In artificial intelligence, this is achieved by backpropagation: adjusting a model’s parameters to reduce the error in the output.
BioE Team harness Microbial Consortia to Tackle Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution is increasing rapidly. Every year, the world produces 390 tons of plastic, with a staggering 91% destined for incineration or landfill disposal.
Western Cascades Landscapes in Oregon Historically Burned more often than previously thought
Forests on the west slope of Oregon’s Cascade Range experienced fire much more often between 1500 and 1895 than had been previously thought, according to new research by scientists at Oregon State University.