As Earth faces unprecedented climate change, a look into the planet’s deep past may provide vital insights into what may lie ahead.
One or Many? Exploring the Population Groups of the Largest Animal on Earth
Hunted nearly to extinction during 20th century whaling, the world’s largest animal, the Antarctic blue whale, went from a population size of roughly 200,000 to little more than 300.
Breakthrough in Capturing ‘Hot’ CO2 From Industrial Exhaust
A metal-organic framework, or MOF, is capable of capturing CO2 at extreme temperatures.
Climate Change Threatens Key Ocean Plankton Groups
Planktonic foraminifera are tiny marine organisms, which are essential to the ocean's carbon cycle.
World Getting ‘Greener and Bushier’ But Many Regions Threatened
In 1917, a German scientist climbed a mountainside in Sweden every day for five years to collect vegetation data.
How Animal Tracking Data Can Help Preserve Biodiversity
Today’s ecologists have more data than ever before to help monitor and understand the world’s biodiversity.