Color mixing is the process of combining two or more colors: red and green make yellow, blue and red make purple, red and green and blue make white.
The Fountain of Youth Is … a T Cell?
The fountain of youth has eluded explorers for ages.
Useful Plant Species Largely Grow on Unprotected Lands, Study Finds
Humans make use of tens of thousands of different kinds of plants, many rare and endangered.
Paper Provides a Clearer Picture of Severe Hydro Hazards
Over the last two decades an estimated three billion people have been affected by water-related natural disasters such as droughts and floods.
Thousands of Emperor Penguins Discovered by Satellite
A careful study of satellite imagery has revealed four previously unknown colonies of emperor penguins along the edges of Antarctica, a promising discovery in a region increasingly endangered by climate change.
Offshore Wind Farms are Vulnerable to Cyberattacks, New Concordia Study Shows
The hurrying pace of societal electrification is encouraging from a climate perspective.