Scientists know relatively little about particles released into the air when a vehicle driver brakes, though evidence suggests those particles may be more harmful to health than particles exiting the tailpipe.
Aston University to Train the UK’s Next Generation of Decarbonisation Experts
Aston University is to train the next generation of scientists tasked to remove greenhouse gases from the environment.
Snow Study Takes Flight
A research team led by Dr. Richard Kelly, a professor in Geography and Environmental Management at Waterloo, uses a novel radar-based technology to provide more insight into snowpacks and their implications for climate change, water resource management and hazard prediction.
Integrating Renewables and Machine Learning for Improved Grid Stability
In the race to achieve a net-zero future based on clean energy, renewable energy sources like solar and wind power have emerged as potential champions in the battle against climate change.
Astronomers Find Water Vapor in Distant Star’s Habitable Zone
Rice University astronomer Andrea Isella and colleagues have reported the first observations of gaseous water in the portion of a protoplanetary disk where a rocky, Earth-like planet might be forming around a distant star.
Rainforest’s Next Generation of Trees Threatened 30 Years After Logging
Rainforest seedlings are more likely to survive in natural forests than in places where logging has happened – even if tree restoration projects have taken place, new research shows.