A groundbreaking achievement by scientists at the University of Houston is changing our understanding of climate and weather on Mars and providing critical insights into Earth’s atmospheric processes as well.
Changes in Store for Atmospheric Rivers
Communities up and down the West Coast of the United States can expect the potent storms known as atmospheric rivers to evolve as the climate warms.
A New Method to Detect Dehydration in Plants
Have you ever wondered if your plants were dry and dehydrated, or if you’re not watering them enough?
Study Finds Fluoride in Water Does Not Affect Brain Development
A University of Queensland study has found no link between exposure to water fluoridation as a young child and negative cognitive development.
Coastal Retreat in Alaska is Accelerating Because of Compound Climate Impacts
The eastern U.S. has more trees and shrubs than three decades ago.
New Study Highlights the Correlation Between Live Corals and Fishing Yields
What does a decline in healthy coral reefs mean for fisheries?