Los aerosoles son grupos de partículas finas, biológicas o de otros tipos, en suspensión en un medio gaseoso. Tienen un papel importante en la formación de nubes y por lo tanto tienen un fuerte impacto en los modelos climáticos.
Manatees Just Lost Their Status as Endangered Species
Manatees have just been downlisted from endangered to threatened; and while some are celebrating their recovery, many advocates are fearing that the move puts their future survival in jeopardy.
Penn Researchers Investigate How Songbirds Teach Themselves Songs
Music can be a powerful form of expression. It’s especially important for songbirds such as zebra finches, which learn the songs of their fathers in order to court mates.
Scientists engineer sugarcane to produce biodiesel, more sugar for ethanol
A multi-institutional team led by the University of Illinois have proven sugarcane can be genetically engineered to produce oil in its leaves and stems for biodiesel production. Surprisingly, the modified sugarcane plants also produced more sugar, which could be used for ethanol production.
Early climate 'payback' with higher emission reductions
Climate scientists have shown that the early mitigation needed to limit eventual warming below potentially dangerous levels has a climate ‘payback’ much earlier than previously thought.
You Could Soon Print Out Simple Electronics With Your Deskjet
Computers used to require entire buildings to operate. Now they fit in our pockets. Similarly, factory-size electronics manufacturing is approaching a contraction. Want proof? Look at that $50 printer on your desk and imagine, instead of using it to spit out a hard copy of that thank-you note, that you used it to print some digital memory.