Ocean warming has accelerated dramatically since the 1990s, nearly doubling during 2010–2020 relative to 1990–2000, according to new UNSW Sydney-led research.
Plastic-Eating Bacteria Turn Waste Into Useful Starting Materials for Other Products
Mountains of used plastic bottles get thrown away every day, but microbes could potentially tackle this problem.
Human Emissions Increased Mercury in the Atmosphere Sevenfold
Research establishes a natural baseline for mercury in the atmosphere by estimating emissions from volcanic eruptions.
To Restore Ecosystems, Think About Thwarting Hungry Herbivores
Re-establishing plantings of trees, grasses and other vegetation is essential for restoring degraded ecosystems, but a new survey of almost 2,600 restoration projects from nearly every type of ecosystem on Earth finds that most projects fail to recognize and control one of the new plants’ chief threats: hungry critters that eat plants.
How Sunflowers See the Sun
Sunflowers famously turn their faces to follow the sun as it crosses the sky.
UMass Hydrogeologists Develop Innovative Way to Predict Saltwater Intrusion Into Groundwater Using Plymouth, Mass. As Test Case
As the world warms and ice sheets melt, the ocean continually rises.