Innovation allows for remote monitoring of beehive health.
Why Shallow Water at the Beach Is More Important Than You Might Realize
A new study led by the University of South Florida highlights the urgent need to protect marine ecosystems in shallow water near the shore – an area that many beachgoers don’t realize is highly important to fish populations.
Nitrogen Fixation on Marine Particles Is Important in the Global Ocean
Nitrogen is essential for all life on Earth. In the global oceans, however, this element is scarce, and nitrogen availability is therefore critical for the growth of marine life.
Glass Fertilizer Beads Could Be a Sustained Nutrient Delivery System
Agricultural fertilizers are critical for feeding the world’s population, restoring soil fertility and sustaining crops.
New Antarctic Iceberg Speeds Off
A new iceberg has spent part of the Southern Hemisphere’s 2024-2025 summer ricocheting off parts of the Antarctic coastline.
Plant-Rich, Low Saturated-Fat Diet Associated With Reduced Psoriasis Severity
A diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy foods and lean meats, low in salt and sugar, is associated with reduced psoriasis severity, new research finds.