Arctic sea ice retreated to near-historic lows in the Northern Hemisphere this summer, likely melting to its minimum extent for the year on Sept.11, 2024, according to researchers at NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).
Study Finds Mercury Pollution From Human Activities Is Declining
MIT researchers have some good environmental news: Mercury emissions from human activity have been declining over the past two decades, despite global emissions inventories that indicate otherwise.
Researchers Examine the Persistence of Invisible Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution – tiny bits of plastic, smaller than a grain of sand – is everywhere, a fact of life that applies even to newborn rodents, according to a Rutgers Health study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.
Climate-Change-Triggered Landslide Caused the Earth to Vibrate for 9 Days
A mysterious, globally observed and unprecedented 9-day-long seismic signal in September 2023 was caused by a massive landslide in Greenland.
Wastewater Bacteria can Break Down Plastic for Food
Researchers have long observed that a common family of environmental bacteria, Comamonadacae, grow on plastics littered throughout urban rivers and wastewater systems.
Fuel for Hurricane Milton
As Florida and other southeastern states were reeling from Hurricane Helene’s effects in early October 2024, another tropical threat brewed over the Gulf of Mexico.