A new study published in Nature unveils a surprising discovery: a substantial amount of meltwater is temporarily stored within the Greenland Ice Sheet during summer months.
Binghamton Researchers Develop Artificial Plants That Purify Indoor Air, Generate Electricity
On average, Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors, and the air we breathe at work, school or home affects our overall health and well-being.
First Greenhouse Gas Plumes Detected With NASA-Designed Instrument
Using data from an instrument designed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, the nonprofit Carbon Mapper has released the first methane and carbon dioxide detections from the Tanager-1 satellite. The detections highlight methane plumes in Pakistan and Texas, as well as a carbon dioxide plume in South Africa.
Study Reveals Acceleration in Pacific Upper-Ocean Circulation Over Past 30 Years, Impacting Global Weather Patterns
A critical ocean layer for El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dynamics.
Temperature at Roque de Los Muchachos Rose in 20 Years Twice as Much as Predicted by Climate Models
The meteorological data recorded over the past two decades by sensors of the Roque de los Muchachos astronomical observatory facilities point to a rise of 1.1 ºC in the average temperature.
New Methods for Whale Tracking and Rendezvous Using Autonomous Robots
Project CETI and Harvard have established a new reinforcement learning framework for rendezvous with whales using autonomous robots, combining sensing from diverse sensor streams.