Scientists from the University of Sheffield will warn policymakers that the shrinking glaciers of the Andes threaten the water supply of 90 million people on the South American continent at the first-ever World Day for Glaciers hosted by UNESCO in Paris.
Researchers Create Eco-Friendly Detergent From Wood Fiber and Corn Protein
From laundry detergent to dishwasher tablets, cleaning products are an indispensable part of life.
Viruses Identified in Red Tide Blooms for the First Time
A new study led by researchers at the University of South Florida shines light on the environmental drivers of red tide blooms.
Retreating Arctic Glaciers Have Exposed 1,500 Miles of Coastline
Since 2000, the melting of Arctic glaciers has exposed some 1,500 miles of coastline, a study finds.
Coastal Guardians Pioneer Method to Protect Florida Keys’ Shorelines
By 2050, sea levels along the United States coast are expected to rise by 0.25 to 0.30 meters, increasing flooding in low-lying areas.
River Water Temperatures Swing Hot to Cold: Discovery Shows Value of Open-Source Environmental Data
Open data from sources such as the US Geological Survey are an essential scientific resource for understanding our environment in a warming world.