As part of an international project consortium, TU Graz has developed new measurement techniques and methods to measure emissions from category-L vehicles in realistic operation and to determine corresponding limit values.
2024 Was the Warmest Year on Record
Earth’s average surface temperature in 2024 was the warmest on record, according to an analysis led by NASA scientists.
Sea Surface Temperatures and Deeper Water Temperatures Reached a New Record High in 2024
A new study published in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences has found that ocean warming in 2024 has led to new record high temperatures.
Don’t Write Off Logged Tropical Forests – Converting to Oil Palm Plantations Has Even Wider Effects on Ecosystems
A research team led by the University of Oxford has carried out the most comprehensive assessment to date of how logging and conversion to oil palm plantation affect tropical forest ecosystems.
Sustainable Building Components Create a Good Indoor Climate
Whether it’s the meeting room of an office building, the exhibition room of a museum or the waiting area of a government office, many people gather in such places, and quickly the air becomes thick.
Removing Microplastics with Engineered Bacteria
Microplastics can go right through wastewater treatment plants, and researchers have engineered bacteria commonly found in there to break down this pollution before it can persist in the environment.