Off the coast of southeastern China, one particular fish species is booming: the oddly named Bombay duck, a long, slim fish with a distinctive, gaping jaw and a texture like jelly.
Growing Crops with Less Groundwater
On a warm February afternoon, Kirk Pumphrey walks down his rows of almond trees at Westwind Farms in Yolo County.
Three or More Concussions Linked With Worse Brain Function in Later Life
Experiencing three or more concussions is linked with worsened brain function in later life, according to new research.
Breaking the Heat Barrier of Computer Innovation
As our computers and other electronic devices become faster and more powerful, they are coming closer to an undeniable physical limitation: heat generated by the electrons that carry information as they move through semiconductors.
Invading Insects Transforming Antarctic Soils
A tiny flightless midge which has colonised Antarctica’s Signy Island is driving fundamental changes to the island’s soil ecosystem.
AI Programs Consume Large Volumes of Scarce Water
Every time you run a ChatGPT artificial intelligence query, you use up a little bit of an increasingly scarce resource: fresh water.