Edinburgh-based biofuel company Celtic Renewables has signed an agreement with Europe’s foremost biotechnology pilot facility to undergo next-stage testing of its process to turn whisky by-products into biofuel that can power current vehicles. The partnership, which will allow the company to develop its technology at Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (BBEPP) in Ghent, has been made possible by second round funding worth €1.5million, including more than €1million from the UK Government, to help meet its ambition of growing a new €125 million-a-year industry in the UK.
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New independent report identifies challenges facing U.S. businesses and policymakers; describes strategies to avoid significant, unequally-spread economic disruptions. The American economy faces major risks from climate change, including damaging coastal storms, growing heat-related mortality, and declining labor productivity, according to an independent report released today by business, education and political leaders.
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Last week, Secretary of State John Kerry brought together some of the world's leading thinkers to chart a path for securing the future of our planet’s oceans and the communities and economies they support. Leaders from more than 80 countries delved into the most pressing issues facing our oceans, including marine pollution, climate change and unsustainable fisheries.
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La propulsión de viento para cometas y rotores Flettner podría ofrecer una ruta viable para ayudar a reducir las emisiones de CO2 en el sector del transporte marítimo, de acuerdo con el Dr. Michael Traut, investigador asociado de la Universidad de Manchester.
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In the wild, gorillas are turning into primitive engineers as the newest field findings show that some of these large primates have taught themselves how to dismantle poaching traps in Africa. "It's just amazing", says Dr. Patricia Wright, a Primatologist at Stony Brook University in New York with over 27 years anthopological experience. "One of the most extraordinary things that has just happened is that very young gorillas, that are just four years old, have started to take apart traps and snares so that poachers can't catch gorillas."
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Filopatria es la tendencia de un organismo a permanecer en o regresar a su zona de origen. Muchas especies animales se consideran filopatricas porque a menudo regresan a su lugar de nacimiento año tras año para reproducirse. Visitar el mismo sitio es ventajoso porque los nidos y áreas de cortejo ya se han establecido, mientras que la competencia de otros animales es en gran parte inexistente debido a la territorialidad.
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