NASA research has revealed the Earth's atmosphere contains an unexpectedly large amount of an ozone-depleting compound from an unknown source decades after the compound was banned worldwide. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), which was once used in applications such as dry cleaning and as a fire-extinguishing agent, was regulated in 1987 under the Montreal Protocol along with other chlorofluorocarbons that destroy ozone and contribute to the ozone hole over Antarctica. Parties to the Montreal Protocol reported zero new CCl4 emissions between 2007-2012.
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Another reason to love bees: they might be able to help us fight cancer. While venom isn't usually known as a friendly thing, new research shows that venom from bees, snakes and scorpions could potentially be used to fight certain forms of cancer. While you wouldn't go and inject someone with a dose of venom, which could have lethal effects, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that if they isolated specific proteins in the venom, these could be used in a safe way to block tumor growth.
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El mortal virus del Ébola se está expandiendo rápidamente en África occidental y la principal preocupación es que se propague desde su punto de origen hasta llegar posiblemente a otros países, incluyendo países del Medio Oriente. Con la cifra de muertos acercándose rápidamente a...
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In a United Nations report released in May, scientists worldwide were called upon to join the war on jellyfish. According to the report, jellyfish have overwhelmed the marine ecosystem as a result of the overfishing of more competitive species, consuming fish eggs and larvae of weaker specimens and creating what the report called a "vicious cycle." So how can this cycle be stopped?
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Arctic bugs can survive in frozen ground as cold as -27°C, scientists have revealed. It is the first time higher-order invertebrates such as spiders, flies and beetles have been found coping in direct exposure to such cold temperatures. Previous lows were between just -5°C and a little below -10°C. The research, published in the Journal of Thermal Biology, suggests they may be more resilient to climate change than first feared.
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El trastorno por déficit de atención por hiperactividad (TDAH) es el trastorno de comportamiento peor diagnosticado en niños en los Estados Unidos, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Por desgracia, actualmente no existen marcadores fisiológicos fiables para diagnosticar el TDAH. Generalmente los médicos diagnostican la enfermedad mediante el registro de historia clínica y social del paciente y la familia discutiendo posibles síntomas, y con...
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