A country of 17,000 islands is at the forefront of a global effort to sustainably feed billions of people in the coming decades.
New Study Could Lead to Development of More Drought-Resistant Corn
A corn plant knows how to find water in soil with the very tips of its roots, but some varieties, including many used for breeding high-yielding corn in the U.S., appear to have lost a portion of that ability, according to a Stanford-led study.
Vanilla Farmers Search for a Crop and Conservation Sweet Spot
Vanilla is vital to the livelihoods of farmers in Madagascar, where the globally popular dessert ingredient is the country’s No. 1 export.
La Niña Is Here
After seven months of waiting, La Niña—the cooler sister of El Niño—finally showed up in the eastern Pacific Ocean in early December 2024.
Ice Streams Move Due to Tiny Ice Quakes
Forests flanking Brazil’s rivers act as “highways” that have allowed tree species to move between the Amazon and Atlantic rainforests for millions of years, new research shows.
New Agroforestry Maps Plot Environmental, Social, and Economic Benefits of Trees
There’s a longstanding attitude in many farming communities that trees and agriculture don’t mix.